
Why set-up a testing policy ?

Code_TYMPAN is quite a big application and one can not expect that some fix or new feature will just work : a fix somewhere can - and will - trigger a bug or a mere unexpected behaviour later and elsewhere… In order to circumvent this major source of complexity it is crucial to cover new bug and features with automated tests.

Automated tests are testing procedures :

  • which can be run automatically, without requiring for a user to perform a series of actions in the GUI typically

  • which are implemented a piece of code running them

  • which will either succeed in case what they are intended to check is asserted or fail which does not mean crashing on an error but instead reporting this was expected but it got that instead.

Moreover, it is much easier to debug a small automated test than a complete application like Code_TYMPAN. So coding a test should be done at the same time - or even before - coding the actual feature so that the developer can draw the most benefit from it while devising the feature.

What is a testing framework ?

Now, writing a stand alone program to test each new feature or bug newly reported can be a tedious task. That’s why automated testing framework exists : to make this most important task lighter. They allow to concentrate on asserting the feature or bug, not the plumbing of the reporting (see tests/test_examples.cpp).

In Code_TYMPAN we use the testing framework GTest aka Google Test : it was chosen for it simplicity and the quality of its documentation. You are strongly encouraged to read the primer now.

GTest (like most unit testing frameworks) builds upon the notion of test case : a test case represent one simple setting in which you want to assert some behaviour of your feature, or lack of some bug. You create a test case (which actually is a class under the hood) with the TEST macro:

TEST(TestSuite, testname)
  // Set up the objects and their state
  EXPECT_EQUAL(expected, value_tested);

When you run the resulting executable, the body of each test case in your .cpp file will be run separately, just like the main function of as many small programs, and reported as pass, fail or error. In case of failure each failing EXPECT or ASSERT will be detailed in the report.

It is a good practice to organise automated tests in a directory tree by the components or interactions they test. Ideally each class and major interaction should be tested in its own test file. For a complex application like Code_TYMPAN there will thus be a whole tree a tests to run, that’s why a test driver is most useful.

How to launch automated tests ?

Launching by hand all the automated tests of the tests tree and aggregating their reports would be a daunting task. Here the CTest test driver comes into play. CTest is a companion to CMake which uses information already available in CMake to automate the execution and reporting of a whole set of tests.

The simplest way to use CTest is launching all the tests in some (sub)tree through the RUN_TESTS project on Visual Studio or the command line:

$ .../Code_TYMPAN/tests/business_logic$ ctest -V

The single -V option make CTest a bit more verbose and a double -VV makes it a lot more verbose. You can also filter (out) by test executable name (with reg-exp if needed) and many advanced features not covered here. You can also launch directly a given test executable, or select a test case within an executable:

$ .../Code_TYMPAN/tests/business_logic$ ./tools/test_OBox
$ .../Code_TYMPAN/tests/business_logic$ ./tools/test_OBox --gtest_filter='Enlarge*'

Writing automated tests


Best practices. How can you do.

Data for Testing

The directory tests/data stores various pieces of data used by some of the automated tests.

For example the tests/data/projects-panel provides a set of XML files dedicated to test some features. These files deal with very simple Code_TYMPAN project: single site, one building, one pair of source/receptor, etc. which are very useful for testing. Moreover, for each of them, a typical screenshot is provided in doc/_static/images/tests/

By hand validation

Because the automated tests coverage is yet unsufficient, and because some high level, global validation procedure is always useful a by hand validation procedure is proposed.

For now it this procedure is documented in this external PDF document and the resources it refers to are stored under tests/data/manual_validation/.