Code_TYMPAN  4.2.0
Industrial site acoustic simulation
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
TYAcousticSemiCylinder Class Reference

#include <TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for TYAcousticSemiCylinder:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TYAcousticSemiCylinder:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 TYAcousticSemiCylinder ()
 TYAcousticSemiCylinder (const TYAcousticSemiCylinder &other)
virtual ~TYAcousticSemiCylinder ()
TYAcousticSemiCylinderoperator= (const TYAcousticSemiCylinder &other)
 Operateur =. More...
bool operator== (const TYAcousticSemiCylinder &other) const
 Operateur ==. More...
bool operator!= (const TYAcousticSemiCylinder &other) const
 Operateur !=. More...
virtual bool deepCopy (const TYElement *pOther, bool copyId=true, bool pUseCopyTag=false)
virtual std::string toString () const
virtual DOM_Element toXML (DOM_Element &domElement)
virtual int fromXML (DOM_Element domElement)
virtual void getChilds (LPTYElementArray &childs, bool recursif=true)
virtual void setDensiteSrcsH (double densite, bool recursif=true)
virtual void setDensiteSrcsV (double densite, bool recursif=true)
virtual int addRegime ()
virtual void setRegime (TYSpectre &Spectre, int regime=-1, bool recursif=false)
virtual bool remRegime (int regime)
virtual void loadRegime (int regimeNb=-1)
virtual void setCurRegime (int regime)
virtual void propagateAtt (LPTYAttenuateur pAtt)
virtual TYTabSourcePonctuelleGeoNode getSrcs () const
virtual TYSourcePonctuelle srcPonctEquiv () const
virtual void distriSrcs ()
virtual void remAllSrcs ()
virtual bool setSrcsLw ()
virtual void setIsRayonnant (bool rayonnant=true, bool recursif=true)
virtual double volume () const
virtual double surface () const
virtual double activeSurface () const
virtual double activeSurface ()
virtual TYTabVector normals () const
virtual TYTabPoint sommets () const
virtual TYTabLPPolygon faces () const
virtual TYBox volEnglob () const
virtual TYPoint centreGravite () const
virtual int intersects (const OSegment3D &seg, TYTabPoint &ptList) const
virtual int isInside (const TYPoint &pt) const
virtual TYTabAcousticSurfaceGeoNode acousticFaces ()
virtual bool findAcousticSurface (const TYAcousticSurface *pAccSurf, OMatrix *pMatrix=0)
TYTabLPAcousticSurface getSubFace ()
double getDiameter () const
void setDiameter (double diameter)
double getHauteur () const
void setHauteur (double hauteur)
LPTYSourceSurfacic getSrcSurf ()
const LPTYSourceSurfacic getSrcSurf () const
void setSrcSurf (const LPTYSourceSurfacic pSrc)
LPTYAcousticRectangle getRect ()
const LPTYAcousticRectangle getRect () const
void setRect (const LPTYAcousticRectangle pRect)
LPTYAcousticSemiCircle getSemiCircTop ()
const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle getSemiCircTop () const
void setSemiCircTop (const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle pCirc)
LPTYAcousticSemiCircle getSemiCircBottom ()
const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle getSemiCircBottom () const
void setSemiCircBottom (const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle pCirc)
void setAcEnveloppe (const LPTYAcousticSurface pEnv)
LPTYAcousticSurface getAcEnveloppe ()
const LPTYAcousticSurface getAcEnveloppe () const
TYTabRectangle getEnveloppe (int n=-1) const
TYPoint getCenter () const
bool updateAcoustic (const bool &force=false)
virtual void setNextRegimeNb (const int &next)
virtual void setRegimeName (const QString &name)
void updateSurfEnveloppe ()
virtual void exportCSV (std::ofstream &ofs)
 Export au format csv sur un flux transmis. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYAcousticVolume
 TYAcousticVolume ()
 TYAcousticVolume (const TYAcousticVolume &other)
virtual ~TYAcousticVolume ()
TYAcousticVolumeoperator= (const TYAcousticVolume &other)
 Operateur =. More...
bool operator== (const TYAcousticVolume &other) const
 Operateur ==. More...
bool operator!= (const TYAcousticVolume &other) const
 Operateur !=. More...
virtual void setIsAcousticModified (bool isModified)
virtual void propagateRegime ()
virtual int intersects (const TYSegment &seg, TYTabPoint &ptList) const
virtual TYSpectre setGlobalLW (const TYSpectre &spectre, const double &surfGlobale, const int &regime=-1)
TYMateriauConstructiongetMateriau () const
void setMateriau (LPTYMateriauConstruction pMat)
virtual void inverseNormales ()
void setNormalStatus ()
virtual void correctNbRegimes ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYElement
void * getAllUses ()
void setAllUses (void *allUses)
void cleanAllUses ()
 TYElement ()
 TYElement (TYElement *pParent, bool PutInInstanceList=true)
 TYElement (const TYElement &other, bool PutInInstanceList=true)
virtual ~TYElement ()
void setID (TYUUID id)
void setID (const QString &str_id)
const TYUUIDgetID () const
QString getStringID () const
bool hasNullID () const
void regenerateID ()
void setName (QString name)
void setName (std::string name)
virtual QString getName () const
void setParent (TYElement *pParent)
TYElementgetParent () const
bool getIsAcousticModified ()
virtual void setIsGeometryModified (bool isModified)
bool getIsGeometryModified ()
TYElementoperator= (const TYElement &other)
bool operator== (const TYElement &other) const
bool operator!= (const TYElement &other) const
bool callFromXMLIfEqual (DOM_Element &domElement, int *pRetVal=NULL)
std::string getMetierName ()
virtual void updateCurrentCalcul (TYListID &listID, bool recursif=true)
virtual void setInCurrentCalcul (bool state, bool recurschild=true, bool recursparent=true)
virtual bool isInCurrentCalcul ()
void addCopy ()
 Increment le compteur de nombre de copies. More...
void setCopyCount (const unsigned int copyCount)
 Modifie la vaeur du compteur. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IRefCount
 IRefCount ()
virtual ~IRefCount ()
virtual int incRef ()
virtual int decRef ()
int getRefCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OPrototype
virtual ~OPrototype ()
virtual OPrototypeclone () const =0
virtual const char * getClassName () const
bool isA (const char *className) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYColorInterface
virtual void updateColor ()
 TYColorInterface ()
 TYColorInterface (const TYColorInterface &other)
virtual ~TYColorInterface ()
TYColorInterfaceoperator= (const TYColorInterface &other)
bool operator== (const TYColorInterface &other) const
bool operator!= (const TYColorInterface &other) const
void deepCopy (const TYColorInterface *pOther, bool copyId=true, bool pUseCopyTag=false)
DOM_Element toXML (DOM_Element &domElement)
int fromXML (DOM_Element domElement)
virtual void setColor (const OColor &color)
OColor getColor () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYAcousticInterface
virtual int getNextRegimeNb ()
virtual const int getNextRegimeNb () const
virtual QString getRegimeName ()
virtual const QString getRegimeName () const
 TYAcousticInterface ()
 TYAcousticInterface (const TYAcousticInterface &other)
virtual ~TYAcousticInterface ()
TYAcousticInterfaceoperator= (const TYAcousticInterface &other)
bool operator== (const TYAcousticInterface &other) const
bool operator!= (const TYAcousticInterface &other) const
void deepCopy (const TYAcousticInterface *pOther, bool copyId=true, bool pUseCopyTag=false)
DOM_Element toXML (DOM_Element &domElement)
int fromXML (DOM_Element domElement)
double getDensiteSrcsH () const
double getDensiteSrcsV () const
double getDensiteSrcs () const
virtual void setDensiteSrcs (double densite, bool recursif=true)
bool getIsRayonnant ()
int getTypeDistribution () const
void setTypeDistribution (int typeDistri)
bool getUseAtt () const
virtual void setUseAtt (bool state)
LPTYAttenuateur getAtt ()
const LPTYAttenuateur getAtt () const
void setAtt (LPTYAttenuateur pAtt)
TYSpectregetCurrentSpectre ()
virtual int addRegime (const TYRegime &regime)
size_t getNbRegimes () const
void setNbRegimes (unsigned int nb)
TYRegimegetRegimeNb (const int &nb, bool &status)
const TYRegimegetRegimeNb (const int &nb, bool &status) const
int getCurRegime () const
virtual TYRegime buildRegime ()
virtual void updateCurrentRegime ()
bool getIsRegimeChangeAble ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYVolumeInterface
 TYVolumeInterface ()
virtual ~TYVolumeInterface ()
virtual void updateVolEnglob ()
const TYBoxgetVolEnglob () const
const double & getRayonSphere () const
void calculRayonSphere (const TYBox &volEnglob)
virtual void calculCentreGravite ()
const TYPointgetCentreGravite () const

Protected Member Functions

void updateRect ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OPrototype
 OPrototype ()

Protected Attributes

LPTYAcousticSurface _pEnveloppe
 Enveloppe. More...
LPTYAcousticRectangle _pAccRect
 Surface laterale. More...
LPTYAcousticSemiCircle _pSemiCircTop
 Surface de dessus. More...
LPTYAcousticSemiCircle _pSemiCircBottom
 Surface de dessous. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYAcousticVolume
LPTYMateriauConstruction _pMateriau
 Materiau de contruction pour les faces de ce Volume. More...
bool _forceNormales
 Persistence du forcage des normales. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYElement
QString _name
 Nom courant de l'element. More...
 Reference sur l'element parent. More...
bool _bPutInInstanceList
unsigned int _copyCount
bool _inCurrentCalcul
 Indique si cet element est actif dans le Calcul courant. More...
bool _isAcousticModified
 Indicateur de modification acoustique. More...
bool _isGeometryModified
 Indicateur de modification de la geometrie. More...
LPTYElementGraphic _pGraphicObject
 L'object graphique metier associe a cet element. More...
void * _allUses
 Multi purpose void pointer (use for compatibility actually) More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from IRefCount
int m_refCount
 The reference counter. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYColorInterface
OColor _color
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYAcousticInterface
double _densiteSrcsH
 Densite horizontale de sources. More...
double _densiteSrcsV
 Densite verticale de sources. More...
double _offsetSources
 Offset de decalage des sources ponctuelles sur les surfaces. More...
bool _isRayonnant
 Etat courant de l'element (rayonnant ou non rayonnant) More...
bool _regimeChangeAble
 Indique si un element peux changer de regime de lui meme. More...
int _typeDistribution
 Indique le type de distribution a utiliser. pour l'etat courant. More...
int _curRegime
 Numero du regime de fonctionnement courant. More...
int _nextRegime
 Numero d'ordre du regime suivant. More...
TYSpectre _pCurrentSpectre
bool _useAtt
 Indique l'utilisation d'un attenuateur pour l'etat courant. More...
LPTYAttenuateur _pAtt
 Attenuateur de l'etat courant. More...
TYTabRegimes _tabRegimes
 Tableau des regimes de fonctionnement. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYVolumeInterface
TYBox _volEnglob
double _rayonSphere
TYPoint _centreGravite

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TYAcousticInterface
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TYElement
static LPTYElementArray findTypeCollectionAndCallFromXML (DOM_Element parentElem, const char *type)
static void setLogInstances (bool log)
static bool getLogInstances ()
static TYElementgetInstance (TYUUID uuid)
static void purgeInstances ()
static bool testId (const TYUUID &id, const TYElement *pElem)
static TYUUID newID ()
static TYUUID fromString (QString id)
static QString toString (TYUUID &uuid)
static uint64 getConstructorCount ()
static uint64 getDestructorCount ()
static uint64 getIdGenerationCount ()
static bool getIsSavedOk ()
static void setIsSavedOk (const bool &toSave)
static void setRegenerateID (const bool &bRegenerate)
static bool getRegenerateID ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OPrototype
static OPrototypefindAndClone (const char *className)
static int findPrototype (const char *className)
static OPrototypesafeDownCast (OPrototype *pObject)
static void add_factory (const char *, IOProtoFactory::ptr_type factory)

Detailed Description

Permet de creer des volumes acoustiques semi-cylindriques.

Definition at line 33 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TYAcousticSemiCylinder() [1/2]

TYAcousticSemiCylinder::TYAcousticSemiCylinder ( )


Definition at line 28 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TYAcousticSemiCylinder() [2/2]

TYAcousticSemiCylinder::TYAcousticSemiCylinder ( const TYAcousticSemiCylinder other)

Constructeur par copie.

Definition at line 77 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

◆ ~TYAcousticSemiCylinder()

TYAcousticSemiCylinder::~TYAcousticSemiCylinder ( )


Definition at line 82 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ acousticFaces()

TYTabAcousticSurfaceGeoNode TYAcousticSemiCylinder::acousticFaces ( )

Retourne l'ensemble des faces acoustiques composant ce volume. Le GeoNode associe permet de convertir la face dans le repere de ce volume.

Un tableau de surfaces acoustiques.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 658 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ activeSurface() [1/2]

double TYAcousticSemiCylinder::activeSurface ( ) const

Calcule la surface active de la machine (somme des surfaces des elements actifs)

surface des elements actifs

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 528 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ activeSurface() [2/2]

double TYAcousticSemiCylinder::activeSurface ( )

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 541 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addRegime()

int TYAcousticSemiCylinder::addRegime ( )

Ajout d'un regime dans le tableau des regimes

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 268 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ centreGravite()

TYPoint TYAcousticSemiCylinder::centreGravite ( ) const

Calcule le centre de gravite de ce volume.

Le centre de gravite.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 611 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deepCopy()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::deepCopy ( const TYElement pOther,
bool  copyId = true,
bool  pUseCopyTag = false 

Effectue une copie en allouant de la memoire (deep copy) et non pas en copiant seulement les pointeurs (shallow copy). Cette methode s'utilise comme l'operateur egal. L'ID peut ne pas etre copie, le parent n'est jamais copie.

pOtherL'element a copier.
copyIdCopie l'identifiant unique ou pas.
true si la copie est possible; false sinon.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 123 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ distriSrcs()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::distriSrcs ( )

Calcul la repartition des sources ponctuelles pour cet element en fonction des densites etablies.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 392 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ exportCSV()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::exportCSV ( std::ofstream &  ofs)

Export au format csv sur un flux transmis.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 992 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ faces()

TYTabLPPolygon TYAcousticSemiCylinder::faces ( ) const

Retourne l'ensemble des faces (polygones) composant ce volume.

Un tableau de pointeurs de surfaces.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 590 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findAcousticSurface()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::findAcousticSurface ( const TYAcousticSurface pAccSurf,
OMatrix pMatrix = 0 

Recherche si une face acoustique compose directement ou indirectement ce volume acoustique. Si une matrice est passee en parametre elle sera calculee pour effectuer le changement de repere de la face vers le volume.

pAccSurfLa surface acoustique a rechercher.
pMatrixLa matrice a mettre a jour.
true si la face est un composant de ce volume; false sinon.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 710 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

◆ fromXML()

int TYAcousticSemiCylinder::fromXML ( DOM_Element  domElement)

Extrait les informations a partir du noeud DOM passe afin de recuperer les parametres de la classe.

domElementLe noeud DOM a partir duquel les parametres doivent etre recuperes.
1 si la recuperation des parametres a reussie.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 163 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getAcEnveloppe() [1/2]

LPTYAcousticSurface TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getAcEnveloppe ( )

Definition at line 211 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getAcEnveloppe() [2/2]

const LPTYAcousticSurface TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getAcEnveloppe ( ) const

Definition at line 212 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getCenter()

TYPoint TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getCenter ( ) const

Calcul le centre de ce demi cylindre.

Le centre de ce demi cylindre.

Definition at line 838 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getChilds()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getChilds ( LPTYElementArray childs,
bool  recursif = true 

Collecte les enfants de cet element de facon recursive ou non.

Reimplemented from TYElement.

Definition at line 237 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getDiameter()

double TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getDiameter ( ) const

Retourne le diametre du demi cercle du bas.

Le diametre du demi cercle du bas.

Definition at line 725 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEnveloppe()

TYTabRectangle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getEnveloppe ( int  n = -1) const

Genere des rectangles pour representer l'enveloppe de ce demi cylindre (y compris la surface plane laterale).

nLe nombre de rectangles a generer (sans compter la surface plane laterale). Si n=-1, n sera calcule a partir de la precision de distance definie par defaut.
Un tableau de rectangles (dont la surface plane laterale).

Definition at line 801 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getHauteur()

double TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getHauteur ( ) const

Retourne la hauteur de ce demi cylindre, elle correspond a la distance entre les centres des demi cercles du demi cylindre.

La hauteur du cylindre.

Definition at line 747 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRect() [1/2]

LPTYAcousticRectangle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getRect ( )

Set/Get de la surface laterale.

Definition at line 152 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getRect() [2/2]

const LPTYAcousticRectangle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getRect ( ) const

Set/Get de la surface laterale.

Definition at line 156 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getSemiCircBottom() [1/2]

LPTYAcousticSemiCircle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSemiCircBottom ( )

Set/Get de la surface de dessous.

Definition at line 188 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getSemiCircBottom() [2/2]

const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSemiCircBottom ( ) const

Set/Get de la surface de dessous.

Definition at line 192 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getSemiCircTop() [1/2]

LPTYAcousticSemiCircle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSemiCircTop ( )

Set/Get de la surface de dessus.

Definition at line 170 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getSemiCircTop() [2/2]

const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSemiCircTop ( ) const

Set/Get de la surface de dessus.

Definition at line 174 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ getSrcs()

TYTabSourcePonctuelleGeoNode TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSrcs ( ) const

Retourne l'ensemble des sources ponctuelles dont est compose cet objet. Chaque source se trouve dans un GeoNode, ainsi la matrice de celui-ci permet d'effectuer le changement de repere de la position de la source dans le repere local a cet objet.

Une collection de pointeurs sur des GeoNodes de sources ponctuelles.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 320 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSrcSurf() [1/2]

LPTYSourceSurfacic TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSrcSurf ( )

Set/Get de l'element SourceSurfacic.

Definition at line 139 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSrcSurf() [2/2]

const LPTYSourceSurfacic TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSrcSurf ( ) const

Set/Get de l'element SourceSurfacic.

Definition at line 143 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSubFace()

TYTabLPAcousticSurface TYAcousticSemiCylinder::getSubFace ( )

Retourne une liste des sous faces porteuses de sources cheminee ou bafflees

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 936 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ intersects()

int TYAcousticSemiCylinder::intersects ( const OSegment3D seg,
TYTabPoint ptList 
) const

Calcule la liste des points d'intersection de ce volume avec le segment passe.

segSegment dont on veut l'intersection.
ptListLes point resultant de l'intersection.
INTERS_OUI (1) si l'intersection existe, INTERS_CONFONDU (2) si les elements sont confondus, INTERS_NULLE (0) s'il n'y a pas d'intersection.

Reimplemented from TYVolumeInterface.

Definition at line 616 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isInside()

int TYAcousticSemiCylinder::isInside ( const TYPoint pt) const

Test si le point passe se trouve a l'interieur de ce volume.

ptPoint dont on teste l'appartenance au volume.
INTERS_OUI (1) si le point est a l'interieur de ce volume, INTERS_CONFONDU (2) si les elements sont confondus, INTERS_NULLE (0) si le point est a l'exterieur de ce volume.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 621 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ loadRegime()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::loadRegime ( int  regimeNb = -1)

Chargement d'un regime (-1 = regime courant)

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 288 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ normals()

TYTabVector TYAcousticSemiCylinder::normals ( ) const

Calcule les normales des surfaces composant ce volume.

Un tableau de vecteurs.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 553 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::operator!= ( const TYAcousticSemiCylinder other) const

Operateur !=.

Definition at line 118 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

TYAcousticSemiCylinder & TYAcousticSemiCylinder::operator= ( const TYAcousticSemiCylinder other)

Operateur =.

Definition at line 86 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator==()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::operator== ( const TYAcousticSemiCylinder other) const

Operateur ==.

Definition at line 105 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ propagateAtt()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::propagateAtt ( LPTYAttenuateur  pAtt)

Propagation de l'attenuateur, contrairement a setAtt(), c'est une copie (deepCopy()) qui est faite ici. Cette methode peut etre surchargee pour propager un attenuateur a des sous-elements (notament des Volume vers les Surfaces).

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 310 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remAllSrcs()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::remAllSrcs ( )

Supprime toutes les sources d'un element

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 384 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remRegime()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::remRegime ( int  regime)

Supprime le regime specifie.

regimeL'indice du regime a supprimer.
true si le regime a correctement ete supprime; false sinon.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 278 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setAcEnveloppe()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setAcEnveloppe ( const LPTYAcousticSurface  pEnv)

Get/Set de l'enveloppe On utilise getAcEnveloppe au lieu de getEnveloppe qui paraitrait plus naturel a cause d'une ambiguite avec une commande getEnveloppe introduite anterieurement dans le code pour l'affichage et qu'on ne souhaite pas modifier pour limiter l'impact de la modification

Definition at line 210 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ setCurRegime()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setCurRegime ( int  regimeNumber)

Set/Get du numero de regime de fonctionnement courant.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 298 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setDensiteSrcsH()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setDensiteSrcsH ( double  densite,
bool  recursif = true 

Set/Get de la densite horizontale de sources.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 344 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setDensiteSrcsV()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setDensiteSrcsV ( double  densite,
bool  recursif = true 

Set/Get de la densite verticale de sources.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 364 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setDiameter()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setDiameter ( double  diameter)

Fixe le diametre des 2 demi cercles.

diameterLe nouveau diametre.

Definition at line 730 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setHauteur()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setHauteur ( double  hauteur)

Fixe la hauteur du demi cylindre. Seule la position du demi cercle de dessus est modifiee, les 2 demi cercles du demi cylindre sont paralleles.

hauteurLa nouvelle hauteur.

Definition at line 752 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setIsRayonnant()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setIsRayonnant ( bool  rayonnant = true,
bool  recursif = true 

Set/Get de l'etat rayonnant ou pas

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 960 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setNextRegimeNb()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setNextRegimeNb ( const int &  next)

Get/Set du numero de regime suivant

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 965 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRect()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setRect ( const LPTYAcousticRectangle  pRect)

Set/Get de la surface laterale.

Definition at line 160 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setRegime()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setRegime ( TYSpectre Spectre,
int  regime = -1,
bool  recursif = false 

Associe un spectre a un regime donne.

SpectreLe spectre a associer.
regimeLe regime auquel on souhaite associe un spectre.
recursifPour que l'appel se fasse de maniere recursive.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticInterface.

Definition at line 255 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRegimeName()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setRegimeName ( const QString &  name)

Get/Set du nom du regime

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 976 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSemiCircBottom()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setSemiCircBottom ( const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle  pCirc)

Set/Get de la surface de dessous.

Definition at line 196 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSemiCircTop()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setSemiCircTop ( const LPTYAcousticSemiCircle  pCirc)

Set/Get de la surface de dessus.

Definition at line 178 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSrcsLw()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setSrcsLw ( )

Assigne une puissance a chaque source ponctuelle en fonction de la puissance acoutique globale de cet objet.

true si le calcul a ete possible; false sinon.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 502 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSrcSurf()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::setSrcSurf ( const LPTYSourceSurfacic  pSrc)

Set/Get de l'element SourceSurfacic.

Definition at line 147 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sommets()

TYTabPoint TYAcousticSemiCylinder::sommets ( ) const

Retourne l'ensemble des sommets composant ce volume.

Un tableau de points.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 569 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ srcPonctEquiv()

TYSourcePonctuelle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::srcPonctEquiv ( ) const

Retourne une source ponctuelle equivalente a l'ensemble des sources. Cette methode est experimentale.

La source ponctuelle equivalente.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 339 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

◆ surface()

double TYAcousticSemiCylinder::surface ( ) const

Calcule la surface totale de ce volume.

La surface totale.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 519 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toString()

std::string TYAcousticSemiCylinder::toString ( ) const

Retourne une chaine de caractere donnant des informations sur cet objet (utile pour le debugage).

Une chaine de caractere informative sur cet objet.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 146 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toXML()

DOM_Element TYAcousticSemiCylinder::toXML ( DOM_Element domElement)

Construit une arborescence DOM a partir du noeud passe afin de sauvegarder les parametres au format XML.

domElementLe noeud DOM parent a partir duquel l'arborescence doit etre creee.
Le noeud DOM nouvellement cree.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 151 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateAcoustic()

bool TYAcousticSemiCylinder::updateAcoustic ( const bool &  force = false)

Mise a jour des parametres acoustiques

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 844 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateRect()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::updateRect ( )

Mets a jour les coordonees de la face laterale en fonction de la position des demi-cercles de dessus et de dessous.

Definition at line 788 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateSurfEnveloppe()

void TYAcousticSemiCylinder::updateSurfEnveloppe ( )

Calcul de la surface de l'enveloppe

Definition at line 986 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ volEnglob()

TYBox TYAcousticSemiCylinder::volEnglob ( ) const

Calcule la boite englobant ce volume.

La boite englobante.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 606 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ volume()

double TYAcousticSemiCylinder::volume ( ) const

Calcule le volume total de ce volume.

Le volume total.

Reimplemented from TYAcousticVolume.

Definition at line 512 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ _pAccRect

LPTYAcousticRectangle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::_pAccRect

Surface laterale.

Definition at line 268 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ _pEnveloppe

LPTYAcousticSurface TYAcousticSemiCylinder::_pEnveloppe


Definition at line 266 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ _pSemiCircBottom

LPTYAcousticSemiCircle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::_pSemiCircBottom

Surface de dessous.

Definition at line 272 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

◆ _pSemiCircTop

LPTYAcousticSemiCircle TYAcousticSemiCylinder::_pSemiCircTop

Surface de dessus.

Definition at line 270 of file TYAcousticSemiCylinder.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: